Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Growin' Girl!

Here's a little picture update on K.  She continues to grow--although the recent growth spurt seems to have waned, judging by the amount of milk she consumes. :-)

Here is a picture of her at 2 months.  Note the height of her head/body in connection with the height of the arm rests on the rocker.

K at 3 months--Again, note the height of her head.  She's GROWN!

And here's a parting shot, capturing one of her many spontaneous smiles:

Our Adoption Journey--10/3/12

Oh, my…………

Is this what being a mommy does to you? Puts you out of touch with all your friends and supporters? Uh, oh. :-)  Seriously, we have been very busy this summer with trips, camping, VBS, etc. but I should have gotten a picture update out sooner.  Part of it is that we were (and still are) waiting on a legal update from our attorney, but I can’t keep waiting on that.

There’s not a whole lot new to say except that we love our little K more and more each day!  She is the sunshine of our lives.  In the last month she has started cooing, smiling, and (as of this afternoon) trying to sing with me when I’m rocking her.  Am I the only crazy mommy out there who still half cries over her sometimes because I’m just sooooooo thankful to God for the gift she is to us?

She has been an exceptionally easy baby.  A couple weeks ago she started sleeping through the night, roughly from 9-5:30.  I don’t need to say how wonderfully that has affected especially me during the day.  Amazing what a regular, unbroken night of sleep can do for a person! :-) 

K is not suffering from malnutrition or failure to thrive.  At birth she weighed 7 lbs 3 oz.  At her one-month checkup she weighed 9 lbs 11 oz.  At her two month checkup she weighed 12 lbs. 6 oz.!!!  God is so wonderful to strengthen parents’ arms one ounce at a time!  I think I would have groaned if she had weighed that much at first.  I know some babies do. Whew! :-)

Well, that’s all I can think of to share by way of words.  I let pictures tell the rest. :-)
