Hi, All…
Ugh. This is really terrible. I’ve lost the
email (that’s another story), but I think this is my first update since last
November!!! My reasons are reasonable (in my mind): a previously unheated
office, a little girlie who hates having Mommy on the computer, and—the
worst—having my offline email program (which is what mainly use for
correspondence) crash—twice! So not fun. Which is why I don’t have
a copy of even the November update. So if I’m redundant or am not giving
necessary information, pardon me! You’ll just have to ask questions (or else
ignore repetitive info) as kindly as you can. THERE. I explained myself. :-)
As it currently stands, the presumed birthfather’s rights
have been terminated in court (praise God!) and we are waiting on the state
social worker to file the final court report, after which we can get a
finalization date. Please
pray that there are no more delays!!!
On a side note… In the adoption world there is often
talk about the tragedy of abortion… how awful it is… how sad. I
wholeheartedly agree!!! However, a friend recently sent the following link to
me (http://thelewisnote.blogspot.com/2014/02/why-miscarriage-matters-if-youre-pro.html, and I thought I’d share it since the
article rounds out the view on the sanctity of human life vs. abortion.
Certainly there is a vast difference between intentionally killing a child and
losing one that was longed for, but sometimes miscarriage is too lightly
brushed off. The author’s words struck a deep chord with me, and I felt
the writing was definitely worth passing on. (My only disagreement with the
author is where she seems to imply that miscarriage is not God’s will, and we
cannot expect to experience peace in it. I believe that as Christians we
CAN find peace in the midst of pain, and rest in the midst of a restless sea of
questions, grief, and unknowns.)
I’ve attached a few pictures that I thought might interest
you. K is growing up so fast!!! Her totally absolute favorite
word is “Hi!” All day long. And if you don’t pay attention and
return the greeting, she will resort to a longer form: “Mommy, hi. Mommy,
Mommy HI!” :-) I never get
tired of it. Of course she charms others with the word, too.
Cashiers, friends, and strangers alike. (Someday we will have to teach
her “stranger danger” :-)).
K continues to be a high-energy, high-maintenance child that leaves Mommy
and Daddy no dull moments! Most people outside our little family only see
her in high gear, but she does have slower times, too. One of her
favorite activities is looking at photo albums. She’s pretty good about
it, too. The only trouble is when she tries to retrieve the pictures from
their resting places inside the pages…. “K, no! Don’t rip the
pages!” She has also taken to “writing” on her tablet while sitting at
church. I THINK she’s getting a little better at being reverent. :-)
Till next time…