Monday, January 14, 2013

Pictures from December/January trip (installment 1)

As I started sorting through pictures to choose which ones to post on our blog, I was struck again with the realization of how RICH we are in family, friends and love.  I'm particularly thinking of the preciousness of those who I grew up with and who raised me--my siblings and my parents--as well as my sister-in-laws and precious nieces and nephews.  And also, I am SO RICH to have a dear husband who loves me so tenderly, and now a daughter that I love with all my heart and would gladly die for.  Last year (2011) at Christmas time we were still grieving from the dashed hope of the son we thought we were going to have.  This Christmas we basked in the joy of our daughter's sweetness and the priceless GIFT God has given us in her.

Enough of my musings...  On with the pictures.

 My good friend who got married while we were in MN.

Uncle Titus, Reuben's brother, before we left on our trip

K was being grumpy--until Uncle Johann got a hold of her! :-)

While in MN, we spent a good bit of time "puzzling".  My dad is on the left (sorry for chopping you off, Daddy :-)), and a community friend is on the right.



  1. It was fun to see the pictures. I look forward to the next ones.

  2. I'm so glad you gave a link to your blog! How wonderful to see the growth and change of this little angel! AND the happy smiling faces of her parents!

    Sharon S.
